Entries tagged with “Ken Paxton

Dec 20, 2024

Texas Attorney General’s Office Refuses to Cooperate with Committee Subpoena for Robert Roberson, Blocking His Testimony for the 2nd Time

On December 17, 2024, a bipar­ti­san group of Texas leg­is­la­tors in the House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence issued a new sub­poe­na for death-sen­­tenced Robert Roberson to tes­ti­fy in per­son on December 20 about the state’s junk sci­ence law, under which he failed to receive relief. Gretchen Sween, attor­ney for Mr. Roberson, said that he was​“eager to tes­ti­fy and grate­ful for the chance to be heard.” But just two days after the issuance of the sub­poe­na, and a day ahead of Mr.

Oct 28, 2024

Simply Untrue”: Lawmakers Refute Unprecedented Attack by Texas Attorney General in Robert Roberson’s Case

On October 23, 2024, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton released a press state­ment, the orig­i­nal autop­sy report, and oth­er case records in an effort to set the record straight” and cor­rect false­hoods” that he accused state law­mak­ers of mak­ing about Robert Roberson (pic­tured). In this unprece­dent­ed attack, AG Paxton also char­ac­ter­ized the defense efforts as eleventh-hour, one-sided, extra­ju­di­cial stunts that attempt to obscure facts and rewrite his past.” Texas Governor Greg Abbott has also…