Entries tagged with “Kevin Underwood

Upcoming Executions


Dec 10, 2024

Federal Court Stays Clemency Hearing of Oklahoma Prisoner with December Execution Date

On December 9, 2024, the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals issued a tem­po­rary stay for Kevin Underwood’s clemen­cy hear­ing sched­uled that same-day with the Oklahoma Pardon and Parole Board, which is lack­ing its full five-mem­ber com­pli­ment after two res­ig­na­tions in recent months and one last minute addi­tion on December 6. This deci­sion marks the sec­ond time Mr. Underwood’s clemen­cy hear­ing has been can­celed. Meanwhile, Mr. Underwood, age 44, is fac­ing a December 19 execution…