Entries tagged with “Larry Peterson”
Aug 02, 2005
Convictions Overturned In Pennsylvania and New Jersery through DNA Testing
Thomas Doswell of Pennsylvania and Larry Peterson of New Jersey recently had their convictions overturned as a direct result of DNA testing. Each defendant had serverd 18 years in prison. In Peterson’s case, the prosecution had sought the death penalty but the jury could not agree and he was sentenced to life. His case marked the first time a New Jersey court has overturned a conviction because of DNA evidence. Both reversals stemmed from the work of attorneys at the Innocence…
Apr 29, 2005
DNA Evidence May Lead to Exoneration in Former Capital Case
Results from DNA testing may soon lead to the exoneration of Larry Peterson in New Jersey. He would become the first person in the state to be cleared of a homicide through DNA evidence. Peterson was convicted of a rape and murder that occurred in 1987. For the past 10 years, Peterson tried to have DNA evidence from his case tested. At his original trial in which he faced the possibility of a death sentence, the prosecution maintained that hairs from the crime scene belonged to Peterson. He…