Entries tagged with “Lawrence Jefferson


Oct 22, 2019

After U.S. Supreme Court Orders Further Review, Federal Appeals Court Overturns Death Sentences of Two Brain Damaged Prisoners

A fed­er­al appeals court has over­turned the death sen­tences imposed on two brain dam­aged death-row pris­on­ers in cas­es sep­a­rate­ly sent back for fur­ther review by the U.S. Supreme Court. On October 15, 2019, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit ordered a new sen­tenc­ing hear­ing for Alabama death-row pris­on­er James McWilliams. Two days lat­er, anoth­er three-judge pan­el of the 11th Circuit…


May 08, 2017

After Remand from U.S. Supreme Court, Georgia Federal Court Vacates Brain-Damaged Prisoner’s Death Sentence

The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia has over­turned the death sen­tence imposed on Lawrence Jefferson, say­ing that his tri­al coun­sel had been inef­fec­tive for fail­ing to inves­ti­gate and present avail­able mit­i­gat­ing evi­dence in his case, includ­ing evi­dence relat­ed to a head injury he sus­tained as a child when an auto­mo­bile rolled over his head.” The court also found that the state courts had denied Jefferson a full and fair” hearing on…