Entries tagged with “Malawi


Aug 24, 2021

Malawi Supreme Court Retreats from Opinion that Declared the Death Penalty Unconstitutional

In a con­fus­ing about-face that has angered human rights activists, the Malawian Supreme Court of Appeal has retreat­ed from a pri­or deci­sion of the court that had appeared to have abol­ished the African nation’s death penal­ty. On August 18, 2021, sev­en jus­tices of the high court issued a​“per­fect­ed” judg­ment in the case of Khoviwa v. The Republic declar­ing that the orig­i­nal opin­ion, authored by since-retired Justice of Appeal Dunstain…


May 01, 2021

NEWS BRIEF — Malawi Supreme Court Declares the Country’s Death-Penalty Law Unconstitutional

The Supreme Court of Appeal in Malawi has declared the country’s death-penal­­ty law uncon­sti­tu­tion­al, mak­ing the south­east African nation the 22nd sub-Saharan coun­try to abol­ish the death penal­ty for all offens­es. Amnesty International report­ed that 27 pris­on­ers were on Malawi’s death row at the end of 2020. The high court’s rul­ing, issued April 28, 2021, direct­ed that they…