Entries tagged with “Martin Luther King III

Policy Issues

Intellectual Disability


Mental Illness




United States Supreme Court


Native Americans




Federal Death Penalty


Jan 18, 2021

This is Not Justice’ — Federal Execution Spree Ends with Planned Execution of African-American on Martin Luther King Jr’s Birthday

An his­tor­i­cal­ly aber­rant six-month fed­er­al exe­cu­tion spree came to a close after mid­night on January 16, 2021 when an African-American man who was sched­uled to die on the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.s birth­day was put to death by pri­vate exe­cu­tion­ers hired in a secret no-bid…

Policy Issues



Intellectual Disability






Recent Legislative Activity


Apr 02, 2021

Clemency Efforts for Pervis Payne Gain Widespread Support as Execution Reprieve Set to Expire

Clemency efforts on behalf of Tennessee death-row pris­on­er Pervis Payne (pic­tured) are surg­ing, as a peti­tion on his behalf by The Innocence Project had col­lect­ed more than 600,000 sig­na­tures by March 26, 2021 and social media cam­paigns sup­port­ing his cause con­tin­ue to attract increas­ing attention…

Policy Issues



History of the Death Penalty


Recent Legislative Activity


Apr 30, 2021

Martin Luther King III: Virginia’s Death Penalty Repeal Shows What is Possible When We Confront This Country’s Racist Past’

The his­to­ry of racial oppres­sion and lynch­ing in the U.S. South has, civ­il rights advo­cate Martin Luther King III writes, too fre­quent­ly … gone untold and unad­dressed.” But, he says in an April 17, 2021 op-ed in USA Today, Virginias repeal of the death penal­ty shows us what is pos­si­ble when we con­front this country’s racist past, and acknowl­edge how racism per­me­ates this country’s prac­tices and…