Entries tagged with “Melanie Kalmanson

Jun 03, 2024

Amicus Briefs Submitted to Florida Supreme Court Describe Non-Unanimous Sentencing Law as a Quintessential Game of Chance”

In April 2023, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed leg­is­la­tion that low­ered the thresh­old for juries to rec­om­mend death sen­tences from a unan­i­mous vote to a vote of 8 – 4 in favor of death, and experts allege this law has result­ed in a quin­tes­sen­tial game of chance” for those await­ing cap­i­tal resen­tenc­ing or tri­al. An ami­cus brief, or friend-of-the-court brief, sub­mit­ted to the Florida Supreme Court argues that this change to the state’s death penal­ty process vio­lates cap­i­tal defendants’…

Policy Issues



Sentencing Alternatives


Jan 03, 2024

Overwhelming Percentage of Florida’s Hurst Resentencing Hearings End in Life Sentences

According to new research by the Death Penalty Information Center, 82% of Florida death-sen­tenced pris­on­ers who com­plet­ed new sen­tenc­ing pro­ceed­ings under Hurst v. Florida (2016) have been resen­tenced to life in prison with­out parole. Hurst found Florida’s death penal­ty scheme uncon­sti­tu­tion­al, and the Florida Supreme Court sub­se­quent­ly held that new death sen­tences must be unan­i­mous, neces­si­tat­ing new sen­tenc­ing hear­ings. Of the 157 cas­es DPIC pre­vi­ous­ly iden­ti­fied as…