Entries tagged with “Melvin Bonnell


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Sep 08, 2020

News Brief — New Set of Reprieves Push Back First Three Ohio Executions of 2021 Until 2023

NEWS (9/​4/​20) — Ohio: Citing an unwill­ing­ness to endan­ger pub­lic health, Governor Mike DeWine has issued a new set of reprieves that will push back the first three exe­cu­tions sched­uled in Ohio for 2021 until at least 2023. In a news release, the Governor’s office said he issued the reprieves​“due to ongo­ing prob­lems involv­ing the will­ing­ness of phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal sup­pli­ers to pro­vide drugs to the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction … without…