Entries tagged with “Public Policy Polling

Policy Issues

Mental Illness


Public Opinion


Recent Legislative Activity


Apr 14, 2022

Kentucky Becomes Second State to Bar Imposing Death Penalty on Those Diagnosed as Seriously Mentally Ill

Kentucky has become the sec­ond state in the U.S. to bar impos­ing the death penal­ty on those diag­nosed as seri­ous­ly men­tal­ly ill. On April 8, 2022, Governor Andy Beshear (pic­tured) signed HB 269 into law, as Kentucky joined neigh­bor­ing Ohio in exempt­ing severe­ly men­tal­ly ill defen­dants from capital…

Policy Issues



Public Opinion


Feb 10, 2017

POLL: Nearly Two-Thirds in Utah Prefer Life-Sentencing Alternatives to the Death Penalty

According to a new poll, near­ly two-thirds of Utah res­i­dents say they pre­fer some form of life sen­tence, rather than the death penal­ty, as the pun­ish­ment for mur­der, and a major­i­ty sup­port replac­ing the death penal­ty with a sen­tence of life with­out pos­si­bil­i­ty of…