Entries tagged with “Richard Viguerie”
,New Voices
,Jun 25, 2014
NEW VOICES: Conservatives Speak About the Death Penalty
A growing number of conservatives have stated their opposition to the death penalty. Among them is National Review columnist and American Enterprise Institute fellow Ramesh Ponnuru, who cited his Catholic faith as a reason for the change in his stance. He said he had to overcome his initial emotional response to heinous crimes because, “Our emotional or intuitive reactions are not a sure guide to right and wrong in matters of moral import.” He added that the death…
New Voices
,Dec 02, 2013
EDITORIALS: Expanding Conservative Concerns About the Death Penalty
A recent editorial in the Dallas Morning News highlighted the voices of prominent conservatives who now oppose capital punishment, including former Texas Congressman Ron Paul and conservative political leader Richard Viguerie. The paper noted the new partnership between the student-centered organization Young Americans for Liberty and Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty. The editorial…