Entries tagged with “Riverside County

Policy Issues

Official Misconduct






Oct 03, 2016

OUTLIER COUNTIES: Riverside County, The Buckle of a New Death Belt”

Riverside County, California imposed more death sen­tences than any oth­er coun­ty in the United States in 2015, account­ing for more than half of the state’s new death sen­tences and 16% of new death sen­tences imposed nation­wide. Among oth­er states, only the 9 death sen­tences imposed in Florida out­stripped Riverside’s total of…

Policy Issues



Official Misconduct


Sentencing Data


Sep 10, 2015

Southern California Tops Deep South in New Death Sentences Amid Mounting Evidence of Misconduct

Riverside County, California is the buck­le of a new Death Belt,” says Professor Robert J. Smith of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, pro­duc­ing 7 death sen­tences in the first half of 2015. This, Smith says, is more than California’s oth­er 57 coun­ties com­bined, more than any oth­er state, and more than the whole Deep South…