Entries tagged with “Rocky Myers

Policy Issues





Intellectual Disability




Mar 22, 2019

Despite Possible Innocence and Intellectual Disability, Alabama Intends to Execute Rocky Myers

Rocky Myers (pic­tured) may be inno­cent and intel­lec­tu­al­ly dis­abled. His jury did not think he should be sen­tenced to die. Alabama intends to exe­cute him any­way. Myers’ case is rife with legal issues, but he received no fed­er­al court review because his appel­late lawyer aban­doned him with­out notice, let­ting the fil­ing dead­line for chal­leng­ing Myers’ con­vic­tion and death sen­tence expire. In a recent fea­ture sto­ry in The Nation, reporter Ashoka Mukpo tells the sto­ry of how the…

Policy Issues



Intellectual Disability






Jan 19, 2017

Alabama Faith Leaders Hold Panel on Death Penalty, Spotlight Rocky’ Myers’ Case of Possible Innocence

Inspired by the case of Robin Rocky” Myers (pic­tured), an intel­lec­tu­al­ly dis­abled and pos­si­bly inno­cent Alabama death row pris­on­er whom an elect­ed state judge sen­tenced to death despite a 9 – 3 jury rec­om­men­da­tion for life, a pan­el of faith lead­ers gath­ered in Montgomery, Alabama to dis­cuss reli­gious views on the death penal­ty and the inter­sec­tion of faith and jus­tice. Before the dis­cus­sion began, the faith lead­ers and the audi­ence viewed a…