Entries tagged with “Romell Broom


Jun 29, 2020

Capital Case Roundup — Death Penalty Court Decisions the Week of June 222020

NEWS (6/​26/​20) — California: A California tri­al judge has accept­ed the January 29 rec­om­men­da­tion by a Tulare County jury to sen­tence Hernan Rodriguez to death. The death sen­tence is the 12th DPIC is aware of so far in 2020, and only the sec­ond since mid-March, when the coro­n­avirus pan­dem­ic sus­pend­ed most court pro­ceed­ings in capital…


Upcoming Executions


Botched Executions


Apr 14, 2020

News Brief — Governor DeWine Puts Off Three More Ohio Executions, Citing Drug Unavailability

NEWS (4/​14/​20) — Ohio: Citing the con­tin­u­ing unavail­abil­i­ty of lethal-injec­­tion drugs to car­ry out exe­cu­tions in the state, Governor Mike DeWine has issued reprieves post­pon­ing the exe­cu­tions of three more Ohio death-row pris­on­ers. Romell Broom, John Hanna, and Douglas Coley had been sched­uled for exe­cu­tion on June 17, July 16, and August 12, 2020, respec­tive­ly. Their exe­cu­tions were rescheduled for…


Dec 13, 2016

As Supreme Court Rejects Death Penalty Petitions, Justice Breyer Renews Call For Constitutional Review

In the span of one week, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to review peti­tions from six death row pris­on­ers, deny­ing them relief in their cas­es. The peti­tion­ers raised issues relat­ed to DNA pro­ce­dures, con­flict of coun­sel, a dis­put­ed guilty plea, juror bias, judi­cial over­ride, and a pre­vi­ous­ly botched exe­cu­tion attempt. In two of the cas­es, the Court allowed exe­cu­tions to pro­ceed in Georgia and Alabama. The case of Ronald Smith left the Court dead­locked 4 – 4, with enough votes…