Entries tagged with “Ron McAndrew


Methods of Execution


Apr 27, 2023

New Podcast: Discussion with Ron McAndrew, Former Florida Warden Who Presided Over Executions

In the lat­est episode of Discussions with DPIC, Anne Holsinger, Managing Director of DPIC, inter­views Ron McAndrew (pic­tured), a for­mer Florida Prison Warden who wit­nessed exe­cu­tions using elec­tro­cu­tion and lethal injec­tion in Florida and Texas. He offers reflec­tions on the neg­a­tive impact that exe­cu­tions have on the fam­i­lies of both the vic­tim and the con­demned, the cor­rec­tion­al offi­cers, and on…

Facts & Research

New Voices


Mar 03, 2023

NEW VOICES: Former Warden Shares Traumatic Experience of Overseeing Executions

In a recent op-ed pub­lished in the Miami Herald, for­mer Florida war­den Ron McAndrew wrote about his expe­ri­ence with elec­tro­cu­tions and lethal injec­tions in Florida and Texas. He wit­nessed botched exe­cu­tions and observed the psy­cho­log­i­cal effects that car­ry­ing out the death penal­ty has on the cor­rec­tion­al officers…