Entries tagged with “Scott Perrilloux


May 16, 2022

Federal Appeals Court Rules that Louisiana Prosecutor and Police Officer Who Fabricated Evidence are Not Immune from Civil Rights Lawsuit by Former Death-Row Prisoner

A pros­e­cu­tor and police offi­cer who fab­ri­cat­ed evi­dence to wrong­ful­ly con­vict a for­mer Louisiana death-row pris­on­er are not enti­tled to immu­ni­ty in a law­suit alleg­ing they know­ing­ly and delib­er­ate­ly fab­ri­cat­ed” that tes­ti­mo­ny, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit…


Jun 20, 2018

Louisiana Prisoner Alleges Prosecutor Got Death Verdict By Coercing Witness, Presenting Fabricated Testimony

Michael Wearry, a Louisiana pris­on­er whose con­vic­tion and death sen­tence were over­turned by the U.S Supreme Court in 2016 because pros­e­cu­tors with­held excul­pa­to­ry evi­dence, has filed suit against Livingston Parish District Attorney Scott Perriloux (pic­tured) and for­mer Sheriff’s Deputy Marlon Kearney Foster based upon new evi­dence that they delib­er­ate­ly fab­ri­cat­ed tes­ti­mo­ny against him. Wearry’s complaint…