Entries tagged with “Shaun Bosse


Native Americans


May 31, 2021

Capital Case Roundup — Death Penalty Court Decisions the Week of May 242021

NEWS (5/​24 and 5/​26/​21) — Washington, D.C.: The U.S. Supreme Court issued rul­ings in two death-penal­­ty cas­es, deny­ing a defense peti­tion to review an​“as-applied” chal­lenge to Missouri’s lethal-injec­­tion pro­to­col and grant­i­ng a pros­e­cu­tion peti­tion to delay enforce­ment of a state-court rul­ing that had void­ed the con­vic­tion of an Oklahoma death-row…


Native Americans


May 14, 2021

Oklahoma Attorney General Attempts to Limit Supreme Court Tribal Sovereignty Ruling as State Appeals Court Voids Four Capital Convictions

The Oklahoma Attorney General’s Office has asked the United States Supreme Court to stay an Oklahoma appeals court rul­ing that void­ed the con­vic­tion of an Oklahoma death-row pris­on­er for a triple mur­der com­mit­ted on trib­al lands against mem­bers of the Chickasaw Nation while state pros­e­cu­tors seek review of that rul­ing by the U.S. high…

Death Row

Native Americans


Federal Death Penalty


Mar 12, 2021

Capital Case Roundup — Death Penalty Court Decisions the Week of March 82021

NEWS (3/​11/​21) — Oklahoma: The Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals has void­ed the con­vic­tion and death sen­tence imposed on Shaun Bosse for the mur­ders of three enrolled mem­bers of the Chickasaw Nation with­in the his­tor­i­cal bound­aries of the Chickasaw…

Death Row

Native Americans


Oct 12, 2020

Supreme Court Native Sovereignty Decision Continues to Reverberate Through Oklahoma’s Death Penalty

A recent U.S. Supreme Court deci­sion that affirmed the sov­er­eign­ty of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation over trib­al lands that span much of the east­ern half of Oklahoma con­tin­ues to rever­ber­ate through the state’s crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem as pris­on­ers sen­tenced for mur­ders com­mit­ted by or against Native Americans on trib­al lands chal­lenge the state’s author­i­ty to have prosecuted their…