Entries tagged with “Alfred Dewayne Brown


Jun 27, 2019

Texas State Comptroller Denies Compensation to Death-Row Exoneree Alfred Dewayne Brown, Despite Declaration of Actual Innocence

The Texas State Comptroller has denied com­pen­sa­tion to death-row exoneree Alfred Dewayne Brown (pic­tured), despite a for­mal court dec­la­ra­tion that he is actu­al­ly inno­cent” of the mur­ders of a store clerk and a Houston police offi­cer that sent him to death row in 2005. Claiming uncer­tain­ty as to whether a Harris County judge had juris­dic­tion to declare Brown inno­cent of the mur­ders, comp­trol­ler Glenn Hegar on June 262019


Jun 10, 2019

Complaint Alleges that Prosecutor in Alfred Dewayne Brown’s Case Knowingly Hid Evidence of Innocence

A spe­cial pros­e­cu­tor in Harris County, Texas, has filed a com­plaint with the Texas State Bar Office of Chief Disciplinary Counsel against for­mer Assistant District Attorney Daniel Rizzo, alleg­ing that Rizzo inten­tion­al­ly con­cealed excul­pa­to­ry evi­dence cru­cial to the exon­er­a­tion of for­mer death-row pris­on­er Alfred Dewayne Brown (pic­tured). Brown was wrong­ful­ly con­vict­ed and sen­tenced to death in 2005 for a rob­bery mur­der in which a store clerk…


May 06, 2019

Judge Declares Texas Death-Row Exoneree Alfred Dewayne Brown Actually Innocent”

A Texas tri­al court judge has for­mal­ly declared Alfred Dewayne Brown (pic­tured) actu­al­ly inno­cent” of the mur­der charges that led to his wrong­ful con­vic­tion and death sen­tence in 2005. The order, issued on May 3, 2019 by Harris County District Court Judge George Powell, paves the way for Brown to receive com­pen­sa­tion from the state for the ten years he was wrong­ful­ly incar­cer­at­ed on death row for the killing of a Houston police…


Mar 04, 2019

Alfred Dewayne Brown Declared Actually Innocent

Death-row exoneree Alfred Dewayne Brown (pic­tured) was declared actu­al­ly inno­cent” by Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg on March 1, 2019, mak­ing Brown eli­gi­ble for state com­pen­sa­tion for the time he spent wrong­ful­ly impris­oned on Texas’ death row. My oblig­a­tion as an advo­cate is not to tell peo­ple what they want to hear but to tell them the truth,” Ogg said at a press con­fer­ence. Alfred Brown was wrong­ful­ly con­vict­ed through pros­e­cu­to­r­i­al mis­con­duct.” Brown was freed…


Apr 13, 2016

Texas Comptroller Denies Compensation to Death-Row Exoneree Alfred Brown

Texas State Comptroller Glenn Hegar has reject­ed an appli­ca­tion for com­pen­sa­tion filed by death-row exoneree Alfred DeWayne Brown, assert­ing that the court pro­ceed­ings lead­ing to his release did not con­sti­tute a deter­mi­na­tion that he was actu­al­ly inno­cent.” Brown had applied for approx­i­mate­ly $1.9 mil­lion in cash and annu­ity pay­ments under Texas’ exon­er­a­tion com­pen­sa­tion law. Harris County pros­e­cu­tors dis­missed charges against Brown in June 2015, after he…