Entries tagged with “Bobby Joe Long

Policy Issues

Mental Illness


United States Supreme Court




May 23, 2019

Florida Executes Mentally Ill Vietnam Veteran Diagnosed with Traumatic Brain Disease”

Florida has exe­cut­ed Bobby Joe Long (pic­tured), a men­tal­ly ill Vietnam vet­er­an with ser­vice-relat­ed trau­mat­ic brain injuries, after the U.S. Supreme Court on May 23, 2019 declined to review his case. Long had asked the Court to halt his exe­cu­tion to address “[w]hether an indi­vid­ual who suf­fers from severe men­tal ill­ness is exempt from exe­cu­tion under the Eighth Amendment. In 1980, Long received a diag­no­sis of Traumatic Brain Disease” from…