Entries tagged with “Brandon Vines

Death Row

Conditions on Death Row


Time on Death Row


Mar 16, 2023

LAW REVIEWS— Decency Comes Full Circle: The Constitutional Demand to End Permanent Solitary Confinement on Death Row

A 2022 arti­cle in the Columbia Journal of Law & Social Problems presents both a his­tor­i­cal overview of the prac­tice of death-row con­fine­ment in the U.S. and the find­ings of a sur­vey of the con­di­tions on death rows in every juris­dic­tion with cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment in America. Regarding the use of high­ly restric­tive con­fine­ment, the author states that​“the sys­tem of per­ma­nent soli­tary con­fine­ment on death row has nei­ther the weight of his­to­ry nor the…