Entries tagged with “Cardinal Blase J. Cupich




New Voices


Dec 05, 2018

DPIC PODCAST: The New Catholic Teaching on the Death Penalty and Human Dignity

In August 2018, Pope Francis pro­mul­gat­ed a new Catholic Catechism that deemed the death penal­ty inad­mis­si­ble” in all cas­es and com­mit­ted the Church to work­ing to abol­ish cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment world­wide. Cardinal Blase Cupich, the ninth Bishop of the Archdiocese of Chicago, joined DPIC Executive Director Robert Dunham on the lat­est episode of the pod­cast Discussions with DPIC, to explore the impli­ca­tions of the new teach­ings and how they fit into the…