Entries tagged with “Christopher Williams


Jan 09, 2023

Philadelphia Death-Row Survivor Christopher Williams Shot to Death at Funeral Less Than Two Years After Double Exoneration

Less than two years after being exon­er­at­ed in two dif­fer­ent cas­es, Philadelphia death-row exoneree Christopher Williams (pic­tured) has been mur­dered. Williams, who spent near­ly three decades in prison, includ­ing 25 years on death row, for sep­a­rate wrong­ful mur­der con­vic­tions, was fatal­ly shot after attend­ing the funer­al of Tyree Little, anoth­er for­mer­ly incar­cer­at­ed man, in North Philadelphia on December…


Jul 06, 2020

Kareem Johnson Becomes Nation’s 170th Death-Row Exoneree Since 1973

Former Pennsylvania death-row pris­on­er Kareem Johnson has been exon­er­at­ed, thir­teen years after being wrong­ful­ly con­vict­ed and sen­tenced to death by a Philadelphia jury. On July 1, 2020, the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas com­plet­ed his exon­er­a­tion, for­mal­ly enter­ing an order dis­miss­ing all charges against him in his cap­i­tal case. On May 19, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court had barred his repros­e­cu­tion because of…


Jun 09, 2020

Walter Ogrod Exonerated After 23 Years on Pennsylvania’s Death Row

Twenty-eight years after Philadelphia pros­e­cu­tors first sought to take his life for the mur­der of four-year-old Barbara Jean Horn, Walter Ogrod (pic­tured, sec­ond from right, with mem­bers of his defense team) has been exon­er­at­ed from Pennsylvania​’s…