Entries tagged with “Clayton Lockett


Botched Executions


Lethal Injection


Oct 29, 2021

Eyewitnesses Report John Grant Experienced Repeated Full-Body Convulsions’ and Vomited During Execution; Oklahoma Says Execution was Carried Out Without Complication’

Oklahoma’s lega­cy of botched exe­cu­tions has con­tin­ued to grow, as media wit­ness­es to the October 28, 2021 exe­cu­tion of John Grant (pic­tured) report­ed that Grant suf­fered repeat­ed con­vul­sions and vom­it­ed over a nea…

Policy Issues



New Voices


Aug 08, 2017

Mark White, Former Governor of Texas and Death-Penalty Critic, Dies at 77

Mark White (offi­cial por­trait, pic­tured), a for­mer gov­er­nor and attor­ney gen­er­al of Texas who became an out­spo­ken crit­ic of the death penal­ty, died on August 5 at the age of 77. Mr. White served as gov­er­nor from 1983 to 1987, duri…


Executions Overview


Botched Executions


Lethal Injection


Apr 30, 2014

Oklahoma Botches Execution of Clayton Lockett

On April 29, Oklahoma inmate Clayton Lockett died of a heart attack approx­i­mate­ly 40 min­utes after the state began admin­is­ter­ing a new lethal injec­tion pro­to­col. Lockett received an injec­tion of midazolam, …


Lethal Injection


State by State


Mar 02, 2020

Oklahoma Prisoners Challenge New Execution Protocol in Federal Court

Less than two weeks after Oklahoma offi­cials announced that the state would return to the same con­tro­ver­sial three-drug exe­cu­tion pro­to­col impli­cat­ed in a series of botched exe­cu­tions in 2014 and 2015, the state’s death-row prison…

Facts & Research

New Voices


Botched Executions


Lethal Injection


Dec 15, 2014

Oklahoma Warden Called Recent Execution a Bloody Mess”

Attorneys for sev­er­al inmates in Oklahoma have asked a fed­er­al court to stay their exe­cu­tions and pre­sent­ed new accounts of the botched exe­cu­tion of Clayton Lockett (pic­tured) as evidence …