Entries tagged with “Craig Haney


Feb 10, 2023

STUDIES: Raising the Age of Those Eligible for the Death Penalty Would Likely Reduce Racial Disparities

Professor Craig Haney (pic­tured) of the University of California, Santa Cruz, Professor Frank Baumgartner of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Karen Steele, a crim­i­nal defense attor­ney in Oregon, exam­ined age and race data from near­ly 9,000 death sen­tences imposed in the U.S. from 1972 to 2021. They found that the racial dis­par­i­ties that plague the death penal­ty were more pro­nounced in cas­es involv­ing juve­nile and late ado­les­cent defen­dants. Building on the find­ings of a…


Aug 22, 2016

New Poll Finds Strong Majority” of Floridians Prefer Life Without Parole Over Death Penalty

A recent poll by researcher Craig Haney, a Professor of Psychology at the University of California — Santa Cruz, has found that a strong major­i­ty” of Florida respon­dents pre­fer life with­out parole to the death penal­ty for peo­ple con­vict­ed of mur­der, even as many har­bor con­tin­u­ing mis­con­cep­tions about cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment that would pre­dis­pose them to sup­port the death…