Entries tagged with “Daniel LaChance


Dec 12, 2023

New Research Finds That Historical News Coverage Reduced Executed Black Men to Faceless, Interchangeable Public Safety Hazards” While Executed White Men Were Portrayed As Tragic Heroes”

In a recent­ly pub­lished aca­d­e­m­ic arti­cle, Emory University History Professor Daniel LaChance writes about an impor­tant and under­rec­og­nized dis­tinc­tion in the way news­pa­per edi­tors and jour­nal­ists cov­ered the exe­cu­tions of Black and white men in the late 19th and ear­ly 20th cen­turies. Professor LaChance argues that the por­tray­als of the defen­dants made legal exe­cu­tions a high-sta­tus pun­ish­ment that respect­ed the white­ness of those who suf­fered it.” While the length and detail of articles…