Entries tagged with “Fresenius Kabi


May 20, 2020

Nebraska Supreme Court Orders Release of Lethal-Injection Drug Records

In a major vic­to­ry for media out­lets and pris­on­er advo­cates, the Nebraska Supreme Court has ordered the state’s Department of Correctional Services (DCS) to release pub­lic records relat­ed to the pro­cure­ment of drugs used in the 2018 exe­cu­tion of Carey Dean Moore (pic­tured). The court reject­ed the state’s argu­ment that drug sup­pli­ers and man­u­fac­tur­ers are mem­bers of the exe­cu­tion team whose iden­ti­ties may be shielded from…


New Voices


Apr 13, 2020

Medical Professionals Ask Death-Penalty States to Turn Over Execution Drugs Needed for Coronavirus Treatment

As hos­pi­tals through­out the coun­try face short­ages of cru­cial med­ica­tions need­ed to treat patients with COVID-19, a group of lead­ing anes­the­si­ol­o­gists, phar­ma­cists and med­ical aca­d­e­mics is ask­ing cor­rec­tions offi­cials in death-penal­­ty states to turn over stock­piles of their exe­cu­tion drugs to hos­pi­tals so they can be used for therapeutic…


Nov 03, 2017

Arkansas Supreme Court Orders Partial Disclosure of Information on State’s Lethal-Injection Drugs

The Arkansas Supreme Court has ruled that the state’s Freedom of Information Act requires the Arkansas Department of Correction (ADC) to release copies of the phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal drug and pack­ag­ing labels for the sup­ply of the drug mida­zo­lam that it intends to use in upcom­ing exe­cu­tions, but that the secre­cy pro­vi­sions of the state’s Methods of Execution Act per­mit the depart­ment to redact the batch and lot num­bers that appear…