Entries tagged with “Governor Steve Sisolak


Dec 21, 2022

Judge Blocks Nevada Board of Pardons Vote on Death-Row Commutations

A Nevada judge has blocked a request from out­go­ing Governor Steve Sisolak (pic­tured) that the Nevada Pardons Board con­sid­er com­mut­ing all death sen­tences to life with­out the pos­si­bil­i­ty of parole. Gov. Sisolak pro­posed on December 14, 2022 that the board dis­cuss the com­mu­ta­tion of the state’s 57 death sen­tences at its December 20 meet­ing. Just one day before that meet­ing was set to take place, Carson City District Court Judge James Wilson Jr. blocked the dis­cus­sion and ruled that the proposal…


May 19, 2021

Nevada Governor, Senate Leaders Block Death-Penalty Abolition Bill That Passed State Assembly

A bill to abol­ish Nevadas death penal­ty died with­out a vote in the state sen­ate after Governor Steve Sisolak (pic­tured) declared on May 13, 2021 that there is no path for­ward” to ban the prac­tice. Shortly there­after, Senate Majority Leader Nicole Cannizzaro, one of two Las Vegas pros­e­cu­tors to hold lead­er­ship posi­tions in the leg­is­la­ture, said that leg­is­la­tors had failed to reach a con­sen­sus on pos­si­ble amend­ments to the bill, ending…