Entries tagged with “Hakainde Hichilema, President, Zambia


Dec 28, 2022

Zambia Becomes 25th Sub-Saharan African Nation to Abolish Death Penalty

Fulfilling a pledge made while cam­paign­ing for office, Zambian President Hakainde Hichilema on December 23, 2022 signed leg­is­la­tion abol­ish­ing the nation’s death penal­ty (pic­tured). Zambia’s repeal of its colo­­nial-era cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment law made it the 25th sub-Saharan nation in Africa to abol­ish the death penal­ty. The new law also removed the offense of crim­i­nal defama­tion of the President from…