Entries tagged with “Hikma Pharmaceuticals USA


Nov 09, 2021

Nevada Prosecutors Ask Federal Judge to Expedite Decision on Execution Protocol, Citing Looming Expiration Date of Questionably Obtained Drugs

Nevada pros­e­cu­tors have asked a fed­er­al judge to expe­dite a deci­sion on the con­sti­tu­tion­al­i­ty of the state’s exe­cu­tion process, say­ing accel­er­at­ed review is nec­es­sary if the state is to exe­cute Zane Floyd before its sup­ply of a ques­tion­ably obtained lethal-injec­­tion drug expires on February…


Apr 07, 2020

News Brief — Drugmakers Drop Lawsuit as Nevada Returns Unused Execution Drugs

NEWS (4/​7/​20) — Nevada: A tri­al-court judge in Las Vegas has dis­missed a law­suit filed by drug­mak­ers against the Nevada prison sys­tem after state offi­cials agreed to return unused drugs it had obtained under false pre­tens­es in a failed attempt to exe­cute Scott Dozier in 2018. Pharmaceutical com­pa­nies Alvogen, Inc., Hikma Pharmaceuticals USA, and Sandoz Inc. reached a set­tle­ment with the state in which Nevada agreed to give back the drugs, which have expired,…


Oct 01, 2018

Finding Bad Faith,” Judge Grants Injunction Preventing Nevada From Using Drug in Execution

Finding that the Nevada Department of Corrections act­ed in​“bad faith” to obtain the drug mida­zo­lam through​“sub­terfuge,” a Las Vegas tri­al court has issued a pre­lim­i­nary injunc­tion bar­ring the state from using its sup­ply of that drug in car­ry­ing out any exe­cu­tion. The 43-page rul­ing issued by Judge Elizabeth Gonzalez (pic­tured) on September 28, 2018 effec­tive­ly freezes efforts by Nevada pros­e­cu­tors to exe­cute Scott…