Entries tagged with “Jim McCloskey




Sep 02, 2020

Books: When Truth Is All You Have” Tells Story of the Centurion Ministries’ Role in the Modern Innocence Movement

When Truth is All You Have, a new mem­oir by Centurion Ministries founder Jim McCloskey (pic­tured) tells the sto­ry of what many con­sid­er to be the birth of the mod­ern inno­cence move­ment. The book, writ­ten with for­mer USA Today nation­al edi­tor Philip Lerman, and released in July 2020, describes McCloskey’s per­son­al and pro­fes­sion­al evo­lu­tion as he cre­at­ed Centurion Ministries in 1983, the first-ever orga­ni­za­tion dedicated to…