Entries tagged with “John Hanson


Upcoming Executions


Nov 21, 2022

Oklahoma Pushes Back Clemency Hearings, Changing Execution Timelines

Oklahoma has pushed back the clemen­cy hear­ings of two men on death row, John Hanson and Richard Glossip (pic­tured). Glossip’s exe­cu­tion date was also moved back, and Hanson’s exe­cu­tion date will like­ly have to be changed. Both men were sched­uled to have clemen­cy hear­ings on Nov. 9, 2022, and to be exe­cut­ed before the end of the year, as part of Oklahoma’s planned spree of 25 exe­cu­tions sched­uled between August 2022 and December 2024. The state’s deci­sion to exe­cute so many…


Upcoming Executions


Oct 24, 2022

Federal Officials Refuse to Transfer Prisoner to Oklahoma for Execution

A fed­er­al prison war­den has denied an Oklahoma District Attorney’s request to trans­fer John Fitzgerald Hanson (pic­tured) to Oklahoma​’s cus­tody to be exe­cut­ed, stat­ing that the trans­fer​“is not in the public’s best inter­est.” Hanson is incar­cer­at­ed at a federal…