Entries tagged with “Judicial Bias




Sep 29, 2022

Texas District Attorney Recommends New Trial for Jewish Death-Row Prisoner Tried Before Anti-Semitic Judge

A Texas dis­trict attor­ney has asked a Dallas judge to over­turn the cap­i­tal mur­der con­vic­tion of Jewish death-row pris­on­er Randy Halprin (pic­tured) because of the vir­u­lent anti-Semitism of the judge who presided over his tri­al and death sen­tence. On September 27, 2022, the sec­ond day of the Jewish high holy day of Rosh Hashanah, Tarrant County District Attorney Sharen Wilson filed a legal memorandum with…


Aug 19, 2022

Second Texas County Indicts Clinton Young in 2001 Murder After Court Throws Out Related Conviction and Death Sentence for Prosecutorial Misconduct

Texas pros­e­cu­tors have indict­ed for­mer death-row pris­on­er Clinton Young for a 21-year-old mur­der in one coun­ty after his con­vic­tion and death sen­tence for anoth­er mur­der alleged­ly com­mit­ted as part of the same crim­i­nal episode in anoth­er coun­ty was over­turned because a lead pros­e­cu­tor in that case also secret­ly act­ed as a paid law clerk to judges who presided over Young’s tri­al and state post-conviction…


Sep 09, 2020

Texas Death-Row Prisoner Seeks New Trial Citing Hidden Evidence that Prosecutor was Paid to Work for Trial Judge in Same Case

Texas death-row pris­on­er Clinton Young (pic­tured), who came with­in days of exe­cu­tion in October 2017 while pros­e­cu­tors hid evi­dence of his inno­cence, has filed a claim for a new tri­al based upon pre­vi­ous­ly undis­closed evi­dence that an assis­tant dis­trict attor­ney who pros­e­cut­ed him was simul­ta­ne­ous­ly employed by the tri­al judge to pro­vide legal advice…

State & Federal Info



Apr 17, 2019

Federal Appeals Court Strikes Two Years of Guantánamo Tribunal Decisions in USS Cole Case

A civil­ian fed­er­al appeals court has dealt anoth­er blow to the Guantánamo mil­i­tary com­mis­sion death-penal­­ty pro­ceed­ings, strik­ing more than two years of deci­sions in the USS Cole bomb­ing pros­e­cu­tion of Abd Al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Al-Nashiri because of a mil­i­tary judge’s undis­closed con­flict of inter­est. Al-Nashiri faces cap­i­tal charges for his alleged role in the sui­cide bomb­ing attack on the USS Cole in Yemen in October 2000 in which 17 U.S. Navy…

State & Federal Info



Aug 10, 2017

Federal Appeals Court Removes Military Judge From Case For Comments Prejudging 9/​11 Detainee’s Guilt

A fed­er­al appeals court in Washington has ordered the recusal of a mil­i­tary judge from hear­ing an appeal in the Guantánamo mil­i­tary com­mis­sion death penal­ty tri­al of five defen­dants accused of direct respon­si­bil­i­ty for the 9/​11 attacks. A unan­i­mous three-judge pan­el of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled on August 8 that Judge Scott L. Silliman of the United States Court of Military…