Entries tagged with “Judicial override


New Voices


May 26, 2023

Former Republican and Democratic Governors from Alabama Critique State’s Death Penalty and Express Regret

“[W]e have come over time to see the flaws in our nation’s jus­tice sys­tem and to view the state’s death penal­ty laws in par­tic­u­lar as legal­ly and moral­ly trou­bling,” wrote two for­mer gov­er­nors of Alabama in an op-ed for the Washington Post. Republican Robert Bentley (pic­tured, right) and Democrat Don Siegelman (pic­tured, left) agree that the 146 peo­ple whose death sen­tences were imposed by non-unan­i­mous juries or judi­cial over­ride should have their sen­tences com­mut­ed. We missed our…


Foreign Nationals


Apr 12, 2021

Capital Case Roundup — Death Penalty Court Decisions the Week of April 52021

NEWS (4/​8/​21) — Nevada: The Nevada Supreme Court has grant­ed cap­i­tal defen­dant Wilber Ernesto Martinez-Guzman​’s emer­gency motion to stay a pre­ma­ture dead­line the tri­al court had set for his lawyers to file a claim that he is inel­i­gi­ble for the death penal­ty because of intel­lec­tu­al dis­abil­i­ty. A tri­al court in Reno had set an April 20 dead­line for Martinez-Guzman, four months ear­li­er than the time…


Dec 30, 2019

Law Review: New Article Highlights Decline of Judicial Death Sentences

At least 99 men and one woman are on death row in eight U.S. states, con­demned to death by judges with­out the pri­or autho­riza­tion of a jury, accord­ing to a 2019 study by researchers Michael Radelet and Ben Cohen (pic­tured) pub­lished in the Annual Review of Law and Social Science. Another 18 pris­on­ers sen­tenced to death since the resump­tion of cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment in the U.S. in the 1970s, the study shows, have been exe­cut­ed after judges disregarded or…


New Voices


Nov 15, 2016

OUTLIER COUNTIES: Alabama’s Leading Death Sentencing County Elects Prosecutors Who Oppose Capital Punishment

Jefferson County, Alabama is among both the 2% of coun­ties that account for more than half of all exe­cu­tions in the U.S. and are respon­si­ble for more than half of all pris­on­ers on death row across the coun­try. It led the state in new death sen­tences from 2010 – 2015, putting more peo­ple on death row than 99.5% of U.S. coun­ties. All five of the defen­dants sen­tenced to death in those cases were…