Entries tagged with “Michael Nance


Jun 27, 2022

Supreme Court Preserves Death-Row Prisoners’ Ability to Challenge Execution Methods in Federal Civil Rights Lawsuits

In a 5 – 4 deci­sion, the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed the long-stand­ing prac­tice of using fed­er­al civ­il rights suits to chal­lenge state exe­cu­tion meth­ods. The Court ruled in favor of death-row pris­on­er Michael Nance, reject­ing Georgias con­tention that such chal­lenges must be brought in fed­er­al habeas cor­pus pro­ceed­ings when the death-row pris­on­er pro­pos­es an alter­na­tive method not autho­rized by state…