Entries tagged with “Patrick Murphy (TX)




Executions Overview


Sep 09, 2021

U.S. Supreme Court Stays Texas Execution, Agrees to Review Contours of the Right to Religious Exercise in the Execution Chamber

In an after-hours order issued on September 8, 2021, the U.S. Supreme Court halt­ed Texass planned exe­cu­tion of John Henry Ramirez and agreed to review his claim that the state’s refusal to allow his pas­tor to lay hands” on him or pray audi­bly dur­ing the exe­cu­tion vio­lat­ed fed­er­al law and his First Amendment right to the free exercise of…




Upcoming Executions


Sep 07, 2021

Condemned Prisoner Asks U.S. Supreme Court to Stay His Execution Unless Texas Corrections Officials Permit His Religious Advisor to Lay on Hands’ While He is Being Put to Death

Texas death-row pris­on­er John Ramirez (pic­tured) is ask­ing the United States Supreme Court to stay his September 8, 2021 exe­cu­tion, argu­ing that the state’s refusal to allow his pas­tor to pray out loud with him and lay hands on him while he is being exe­cut­ed vio­lates fed­er­al law and his First Amendment right to free exercise of…




Nov 11, 2019

Texas Prisoner Receives Second Stay of Execution Over Religious Discrimination Issue

A fed­er­al dis­trict court has grant­ed a stay of exe­cu­tion to a Buddhist death-row pris­on­er in Texas over alle­ga­tions that the state is dis­crim­i­na­to­ri­ly deny­ing him access to reli­gious ser­vices that would be avail­able to Christian pris­on­ers on the day of their exe­cu­tion. On November 7, 2019, the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas stayed the November 13 exe­cu­tion of Patrick Murphy (pic­tured), mark­ing the sec­ond time in 2019 that his…


Executions Overview


May 15, 2019

Death-Penalty Opinions Expose Deep Divisions on U.S. Supreme Court

In the wake of sharp crit­i­cism of sev­er­al con­tro­ver­sial death-penal­ty deci­sions, the five con­ser­v­a­tive jus­tices of the U.S. Supreme Court issued three opin­ions on May 13, 2019, explain­ing their votes in those ear­li­er cas­es. The opin­ions, issued in con­nec­tion with the appar­ent­ly incon­sis­tent orders in reli­gious dis­crim­i­na­tion claims brought by two death-row pris­on­ers and a deci­sion declin­ing to review the case of an Alabama death-row pris­on­er who had chal­lenged the state’s…




Apr 05, 2019

Commentators Question Why Supreme Court Stopped One Execution, But Not Another With Identical Religious Exercise Issues

Legal schol­ars and com­men­ta­tors across the polit­i­cal spec­trum have crit­i­cized the U.S. Supreme Court for its seem­ing­ly con­tra­dic­to­ry actions, less than two months apart, in two near­ly iden­ti­cal reli­gious free­dom claims from death-row pris­on­ers. On February 7, 2019, the Court vacat­ed a stay of exe­cu­tion and per­mit­ted Alabama to exe­cute death-row pris­on­er Domineque Ray (pic­tured, left), who had claimed that the Alabama Department of Corrections…