Entries tagged with “Paul Storey

Policy Issues

Prosecutorial Accountability


Victims' Families


Aug 22, 2022

Fort Worth D.A. Urges Reversal of Death Sentence, Saying Trial Prosecutor Blatantly Lied’ to Jury that Victim’s Family Wanted Death Penalty

The Tarrant County District Attorney’s office has asked the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals (TCCA) to vacate Paul Storeys death sen­tence, say­ing that his tri­al pros­e­cu­tor bla­tant­ly lied” to his jury that the victim’s fam­i­ly want­ed the death penal­ty and sub­se­quent­ly com­mit­ted per­jury in state post-con­vic­tion pro­ceed­ings to cov­er up that…

Policy Issues

Prosecutorial Accountability


Victims' Families


Oct 07, 2019

Texas Court Reimposes Death Sentence in Case Where Prosecutor Lied to Jury that the Victim’s Family Wanted the Death Penalty

The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals has rein­stat­ed the death sen­tence of Paul Storey (pic­tured), after a Tarrant County judge had reduced his sen­tence to life because a pros­e­cu­tor had lied at tri­al about the victim’s family’s views on the death penal­ty. In a divid­ed opin­ion issued October 2, 2019, the court did not address the mer­its of Storey’s claim that his death sen­tence should be over­turned because the pros­e­cu­tion had pre­sent­ed false evi­dence and…

Policy Issues





Victims' Families


May 09, 2018

Texas Judge Finds Prosecutors Lied That Victim’s Family Supported Death Penalty, Recommends Resentencing to Life

Finding that pros­e­cu­tors with­held evi­dence that the fam­i­ly of mur­der vic­tim Jonas Cherry opposed the death penal­ty for his accused killer and then lied to jurors that Cherry’s fam­i­ly sup­port­ed the death penal­ty, a tri­al judge in Tarrant County, Texas has rec­om­mend­ed over­turn­ing the death sen­tence imposed on Paul David Storey (pic­tured) and replac­ing it with a sen­tence of life without…

Policy Issues

Victims' Families


Executions Overview


Apr 10, 2017

Texas Court Stays Execution of Paul Storey Based on False Argument About Wishes of Victim’s Family

The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals has issued an order stay­ing the sched­uled April 12 exe­cu­tion of Paul Storey. The unpub­lished April 7 order sends Storey’s case back to the tri­al court to con­sid­er whether the pros­e­cu­tion know­ing­ly pre­sent­ed false evi­dence about the vic­tim’s fam­i­ly’s views on the death…

Facts & Research

New Voices


Mar 28, 2016

Texas Capital Juror Regrets Vote to Sentence Defendant to Death

In an inter­view with The Marshall Project, Texas death penal­ty juror Sven Berger says he would not have vot­ed to sen­tence cap­i­tal defen­dant Paul Storey to death in 2008 had he known about Storey’s bor­der­line intel­lec­tu­al func­tion­ing,” his­to­ry of depres­sion, and oth­er evi­dence that Storey’s lawyer failed to present at tri­al. Berger and 11 oth­er Texas jurors unan­i­mous­ly vot­ed to sen­tence Storey to death, but Berger says that at the…