Entries tagged with “Quintin Jones


May 24, 2021

Citing Inexperience’ and Miscommunication,’ Texas Conducts Execution Without Media Witnesses

In a fail­ure of trans­paren­cy one leg­isla­tive leader described as unfath­omable,” the State of Texas put Quintin Jones (pic­tured) to death on May 19, 2021 with­out any media wit­ness­es present to observe the exe­cu­tion. It was the first time in the 571 exe­cu­tions con­duct­ed by Texas since the U.S. Supreme Court upheld its death penal­ty statute in 1976 that no media witnesses were…


Victims' Families


May 18, 2021

Victim’s Family Seeks Clemency for Quintin Jones, Facing May 19 Execution in Texas

The Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles has vot­ed to deny clemen­cy to Quintin Jones (pic­tured, right), dis­re­gard­ing the request by the fam­i­ly of Berthena Bryant, whom Jones killed in 1999, ask­ing Texas Governor Greg Abbott to com­mute his sen­tence to life in prison. The board­’s vote on May 18, 2021 comes one day before Jones is sched­uled to be…