Entries tagged with “Randall Mays


Apr 01, 2024

Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Removes Henderson County Man from Death Row Citing Intellectual Disability

On March 27, 2024, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals (TCCA) resen­tenced death row pris­on­er Randall Mays to life in prison with­out the pos­si­bil­i­ty of parole after an expert for the state con­ced­ed that the evi­dence pre­sent­ed by Mr. Mays’ attor­neys indi­cates he is intel­lec­tu­al­ly dis­abled, and thus inel­i­gi­ble for the death penal­ty. Originally sen­tenced to death in 2008 for the mur­der of two Henderson County, Texas, sheriff’s deputies, Mr. Mays’ attor­neys have long…


Upcoming Executions


May 07, 2020

News Brief — Texas Appeals Court Stays Randall Mays’ Execution on Issue of Intellectual Disability

NEWS (5/​7/​20) — Texas: The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals has grant­ed a stay of exe­cu­tion to Randall Mays, direct­ing a Henderson County tri­al court to review Mays’ claim that he is inel­i­gi­ble for the death penal­ty because of intel­lec­tu­al dis­abil­i­ty. The appeals court declined to address claims that Mays’ con­vic­tion and death sen­tence had been taint­ed by racial bias and juror mis­con­duct and that he had been sub­ject to improp­er interrogation by…


Upcoming Executions


Oct 04, 2019

Texas Courts Halt Two Imminent Executions

Texas state courts have halt­ed the exe­cu­tions of two con­demned pris­on­ers who had been fac­ing immi­nent exe­cu­tion dates. On October 4, 2019, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals stayed the October 10 exe­cu­tion of Randy Halprin (pic­tured, left) and direct­ed a Dallas tri­al court to con­sid­er his claim that the reli­gious big­otry of the judge who presided over his case denied him a fair tri­al before an impar­tial tri­bunal. The previous day,…