Entries tagged with “Rep. Jeff Leach


Apr 21, 2023

Texas House Advances Bill to Limit Law of Parties’ in Capital Cases

On April 20, 2023, Texas leg­is­la­tors ini­tial­ly approved House Bill (HB) 1736 to lim­it the appli­ca­tion of the death penal­ty in cas­es where a defen­dant com­mits a felony that was accom­pa­nied by a mur­der car­ried out by some­one oth­er than the defen­dant. Many states have a felony mur­der” rule, sim­i­lar to Texas’ Law of Parties,” which pro­vides that if one per­son is found guilty of mur­der, the offend­er’s accom­plices or co-con­spir­a­tors may also be found guilty of mur­der, regard­less of their intent…