Entries tagged with “Richard Masterson”
Feb 08, 2017
Problems in Florida, Arizona Crime Labs Renew Questions About Reliability of Forensic Testimony
More than 2,600 Florida cases — including at least one capital case — may have been tainted by erroneous fingerprint analysis by a long-term employee of the Orange County Sheriff’s Office, according to letters sent to defense counsel by the Orange-Osceola State Attorney’s Office. The revelations were another in a series of events raising questions about the reliability of forensic evidence that is being used in capital prosecutions across the United States. In early February…
Jan 15, 2016
Texas Prepares to Execute Richard Masterson While Autopsy Data Suggests Death Was Not Murder At All
As Texas readies itself to execute Richard Masterson (pictured), his lawyers have filed new pleadings questioning whether any murder occurred at all and are seeking a stay of execution based on what they say is “evidence of State fraud, misconduct, and his actual innocence.” Masterson’s filings challenge the forensic testimony presented by the prosecution in the case, the accuracy of instructions given to jurors, and the constitutionality of Texas’ lethal…