Entries tagged with “Robert Dunham

Policy Issues



History of the Death Penalty




Oct 17, 2018

ABA Panel Explores History, Morality of Death Penalty

Has the death penal­ty evolved into an anachro­nism?” asked a pan­el at the August 2, 2018 American Bar Association Annual Meeting in Chicago. Moderator Ronald Tabak, chair of the ABA Death Penalty Committee, and pan­elists Cardinal Blase J. Cupich of the Archdiocese of Chicago; Karen Gottlieb, co-direc­tor of the Florida Center for Capital Representation; Meredith Martin Rountree, senior lec­tur­er at the…


Botched Executions


Lethal Injection


Nov 23, 2022

Alabama Governor Halts Executions After Latest in Series of Execution Failures

Alabama Governor Kay Ivey (pic­tured) has halt­ed exe­cu­tions and ordered a top-to-bot­tom review” of the state’s exe­cu­tion pro­ce­dures, five days after fail­ures by cor­rec­tions per­son­nel to estab­lish an intra­venous exe­cu­tion line caused Alabama to call off the November 17, 2022 exe­cu­tion of Kenneth…

Policy Issues





Sentencing Data


Jan 30, 2013

ARBITRARINESS: Pennsylvania’s Costly and Broken Death Penalty System

The the­o­ry of the death penal­ty is that pros­e­cu­tors select offend­ers who have com­mit­ted aggra­vat­ed mur­der and obtain death sen­tences for the most heinous offend­ers through a scrupu­lous tri­al with full due process. The real­i­ty in Pennsylvania is rad­i­cal­ly dif­fer­ent. Hundreds of inmates have been sen­tenced to death, but of the cas­es that have com­plet­ed the appeals process, 100% have been over­turned, most­ly because of errors in the con­vic­tion or sen­tenc­ing stages. (Three inmates…

Jan 27, 2016

Criminal Justice Committee, Florida Senate: Materials from hear­ing on revi­sions to Florida’s death penal­ty statute in light of Hurst v. Florida

Criminal Justice Committee, Florida Senate: Materials from hear­ing on revi­sions to Florida’s death penal­ty statute in light of Hurst v. Florida fea­tur­ing tes­ti­mo­ny of Robert Dunham, Executive Director, Death Penalty Information Center (Tallahassee, January 27, 2016). Mr. Dunham’s tes­ti­mo­ny begins at the 11:30 mark of the video of the Senate Committee…

Policy Issues



Prosecutorial Accountability


Jun 30, 2022

DPIC Analysis Finds Prosecutorial Misconduct Implicated in More than 550 Death Penalty Reversals or Exonerations

An analy­sis by the Death Penalty Information Center has dis­cov­ered ram­pant pros­e­cu­to­r­i­al mis­con­duct in death penal­ty pros­e­cu­tions. DPIC’s ongo­ing review of death sen­tences imposed and over­turned after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down exist­ing death penal­ty statutes in 1972 has iden­ti­fied more than 550 pros­e­cu­to­r­i­al mis­con­duct rever­sals and exon­er­a­tions in cap­i­tal cas­es (click to enlarge image). That amounts to more than 5.6% of all death sen­tences imposed in the United…

Policy Issues





Sentencing Data


Nov 16, 2018

DPIC Analysis: The Decline of the Death Penalty in Philadelphia

During his elec­tion cam­paign, Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner described the eco­nom­ic waste­ful­ness of city pros­e­cu­tors’ pur­suit of the death penal­ty as light­ing mon­ey on fire.” A DPIC analy­sis of the out­comes of the more than 200 death sen­tences imposed in the city since 1978 (click here to enlarge image) and the last sev­en years of cap­i­tal pros­e­cu­tion out­comes pro­vides strong sup­port for Krasner’s…

Policy Issues



Prosecutorial Accountability


Oct 23, 2020

DPIC Analysis: Use or Threat of Death Penalty Implicated in 19 Exoneration Cases in 2019

Prosecutors or police used or threat­ened to use the death penal­ty as a coer­cive tool that led to or extend­ed the wrong­ful con­vic­tions of at least nine­teen peo­ple who were exon­er­at­ed in 2019, a Death Penalty Information Center analy­sis of data from the National Registry of Exonerations has revealed. Nearly 95% of those cas­es also involved some oth­er form of major mis­con­duct, the DPIC analysis…

Policy Issues



Murder Rates


Sep 12, 2017

NEW PODCAST: DPIC Study Finds No Evidence that Death Penalty Deters Murder or Protects Police

A Death Penalty Information Center analy­sis of U.S. mur­der data from 1987 through 2015 has found no evi­dence that the death penal­ty deters mur­der or pro­tects police. Instead, the evi­dence shows that mur­der rates, includ­ing mur­ders of police offi­cers, are con­sis­tent­ly high­er in death-penal­ty states than in states that have abol­ished the death penal­ty. And far from expe­ri­enc­ing increas­es in mur­der rates or open sea­son on law enforce­ment, the data show that states that have abol­ished the death…

Facts & Research

Sentencing Data


Executions Overview


Dec 05, 2017

No Executions in the Capital of Capital Punishment” for First Time in 30 Years

Harris County (Houston), Texas, has exe­cut­ed 126 pris­on­ers since the U.S. Supreme Court upheld Texas’s cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment statute in 1976, more than any oth­er coun­ty in the United States and, apart from the rest of Texas, more than any state. But in 2017, no one will be sen­tenced to death in Harris County and, for the first time since 1985, no one sen­tenced to death in the coun­ty will be…

Policy Issues



Intellectual Disability


Mental Illness






Federal Death Penalty


Jul 10, 2020

Op-Eds Highlight Disparities in Federal Death Penalty, as 1,000 Faith Leaders and the European Union Urge Justice Department to Halt Executions

As the sched­uled July 13, 2020 date for the first fed­er­al exe­cu­tions in 17 years approach­es, faith lead­ers, diplo­mats, and legal experts have asked the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment to call them off. 1,000 faith lead­ers from across the coun­try have urged President Trump and Attorney General Barr to halt the exe­cu­tions. They are joined by the European Union, which on July 10 also issued a state­ment strong­ly oppos­ing the resump­tion of fed­er­al exe­cu­tions. Complementing their efforts, two…

Policy Issues







Aug 31, 2010

Pennsylvania’s Costly Death Penalty Produces Nothing in Return

Pennsylvania Governor Edward Rendell has signed 113 exe­cu­tion war­rants dur­ing his two terms in office, yet it appears like­ly that he will leave office in a few months with­out see­ing any of them car­ried out. Since the state rein­stat­ed the death penal­ty in 1978, only three men have been exe­cut­ed, all of whom had waived their…

Policy Issues



May 29, 2019

Philadelphia Death-Row Exoneree Harold Wilson Dies at 61

Harold Wilson, exon­er­at­ed in 2005 six­teen years after his wrong­ful con­vic­tion and death sen­tence for a triple mur­der in a Philadelphia crack house, has died. He had recent­ly suf­fered a series of strokes that were fur­ther com­pli­cat­ed by pneu­mo­nia. His risk of stroke and the com­pli­ca­tions that fol­lowed had been wors­ened by the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder he devel­oped as a result of the 17 years he faced the death penal­ty, most spent in soli­tary con­fine­ment on…

Facts & Research

History of the Death Penalty


Recent Legislative Activity


Mar 24, 2021

Virginia Becomes 23rd State and the First in the South to Abolish the Death Penalty

Saying “[t]here is no place today for the death penal­ty in this com­mon­wealth, in the South, or in this nation,” Governor Ralph Northam (pic­tured) signed his­toric leg­is­la­tion mak­ing Virginia the 23rd U.S. state and the first in the South to abol­ish capital…