Entries tagged with “Robert Rooks


Jun 05, 2023

Black-Led Organizations Oppose New Death Penalty Legislation, Citing Disproportionate Effect on Communities of Color

Black-led orga­ni­za­tions are oppos­ing leg­isla­tive efforts in sev­er­al states to rein­tro­duce or expand use of the death penal­ty. Lawmakers in Illinois and New Jersey have intro­duced leg­is­la­tion to rein­state the death penal­ty, while oth­er leg­is­la­tors in Tennessee and Florida have pro­posed bills which would increase its use. Tennessee Senate Bill 1112 would require an exe­cu­tion to be car­ried out with­in 30 days of sen­tenc­ing. Governor DeSantis recent­ly signed leg­is­la­tion that nullified jury…