Entries tagged with “Robin M. Maher

Oct 11, 2024

French and German Embassies Host a Discussion on Innocence and the Death Penalty

On October 11, 2024 the Embassies of France and Germany host­ed a dis­cus­sion on the ques­tion of inno­cence and the death penal­ty at the res­i­dence of the French Ambassador in Washington, D.C. Panelists includ­ed Herman Lindsey, a death row exoneree and Executive Director of Witness to Innocence; Vanessa Potkin, Director of Special Litigation at the Innocence Project; and Emmjolee Mendoza Waters, Director of the Death Penalty Abolition Program at Catholic Mobilizing Network. The…

May 15, 2023

DPIC Welcomes New Executive Director, Robin M. Maher

The Death Penalty Information Center is pleased to announce that Robin M. Maher has joined the orga­ni­za­tion as Executive Director, effec­tive May 15, 2023. Most recent­ly, Ms. Maher was Senior Counsel in the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Access to Justice. Ms. Maher pre­vi­ous­ly worked in the fed­er­al defend­er sys­tem and at the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, and has more than twen­ty years’ expe­ri­ence train­ing lawyers and judges in the United States and around…