Entries tagged with “Rolando Cruz


Jan 19, 2018

Innocence Deniers” and Coercive Plea Agreements Impede Death-Row Exonerations Across the U.S.

A pros­e­cu­tor’s duty, the U.S. Supreme Court wrote in 1935,​“is not that it shall win a case, but that jus­tice shall be done.” Yet pros­e­cu­tors across the U.S. have refused to acknowl­edge the inno­cence of defen­dants who have been wrong­ful­ly con­vict­ed, obstruct­ing release by retry­ing death-sen­­tenced defen­dants despite exon­er­at­ing evi­dence, or con­di­tion­ing their release upon​“Alford pleas,” which force defen­dants to choose between clear­ing their names or obtaining…