Entries tagged with “Russell Bucklew


Executions Overview


Apr 02, 2019

Badly Divided Supreme Court Denies Execution Challenge by Prisoner With Rare Disease

In a divi­sive 5 – 4 deci­sion that exposed ran­cor and deep rifts among the jus­tices, the U.S. Supreme Court has giv­en Missouri the go-ahead to exe­cute a pris­on­er whose blood-filled tumors in his head, neck, and mouth could burst if the state car­ries out his exe­cu­tion by its cho­sen method. Russell Bucklew (pic­tured), who suf­fers from the rare med­ical con­di­tion, cav­ernous heman­gioma, had argued that Missouri’s lethal…


Nov 08, 2018

Supreme Court Hears Argument in Missouri Lethal-Injection Case

The U.S. Supreme Court heard oral argu­ment on November 6, 2018 in Bucklew v. Precythe on whether the use of lethal injec­tion to exe­cute a Missouri pris­on­er with a rare med­ical con­di­tion would cause him unnec­es­sary and excru­ci­at­ing pain and suf­fer­ing and whether he was con­sti­tu­tion­al­ly required to pro­vide the state with a dif­fer­ent way for it to kill him. Media reports sug­gest­ed that the Court was sharply…


Jul 27, 2018

Public Health Experts, Generic-Pharmaceuticals Association Warn Lethal-Injection Policies Put Public Health at Risk

State lethal-injec­­tion prac­tices may have col­lat­er­al con­se­quences that place pub­lic health at risk, accord­ing to briefs filed in the U.S. Supreme Court on July 23, 2018 by pub­lic health experts and an asso­ci­a­tion rep­re­sent­ing gener­ic drug man­u­fac­tur­ers. In ami­cus (or friend-of-the-court) briefs filed in con­nec­tion with a chal­lenge brought by death-row pris­on­er Russell Bucklew (pic­tured) to Missouri​’s use of lethal injec­tion, the…


Apr 30, 2018

Supreme Court To Review Lethal-Injection Case of Condemned Prisoner with Rare Congenital Disease

The U.S. Supreme Court has grant­ed review in the case of Missouri death-row pris­on­er Russell Bucklew, who has argued that the severe form of a rare con­gen­i­tal dis­or­der from which he suf­fers makes it uncon­sti­tu­tion­al­ly cru­el for him to be exe­cut­ed by lethal injec­tion. Bucklew has an extreme form of cav­ernous heman­gioma, a mal­for­ma­tion of his blood ves­sels that caus­es blood-filled tumors to grow in his head, neck, and throat. The…


Executions Overview


May 21, 2014

Execution of Inmate with Unique Medical Condition Stayed by Supreme Court

UPDATE: The U.S. Supreme Court issued a stay of exe­cu­tion, pend­ing the out­come of a review by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit. The Court fur­ther not­ed:​“We leave for fur­ther con­sid­er­a­tion in the low­er courts whether an evidentiary…