Entries tagged with “Sarah McGee


Jul 12, 2024

Articles of Interest: Op-ed says new Tennessee law that expands the death penal­ty to child rape cre­ates more prob­lems than it solves.”

A July 7, 2024 op-ed in the Tennessean argues that the recent enac­tion of SB 1834, which makes the rape of a child pun­ish­able by death,​“does more harm than good.” Sarah McGee (pic­tured), coor­di­na­tor for Tennesseans for Alternatives to the Death Penalty, explains that dur­ing her work as a vic­­tim-wit­­ness coor­di­na­tor for Davidson County District Attorney’s Office, pro­ba­tion offi­cer, and assis­tant pub­lic defend­er, she learned that when child ser­vice providers and…