Entries tagged with “Sean Bush


May 18, 2020

Florida Supreme Court Changes Law Again to Further Diminish Legal Protections in Death Penalty Cases

For the sec­ond time in less than four months, the Florida Supreme Court has changed state law to uphold a death-row prisoner’s con­vic­tion or death sen­tence and dimin­ish the legal pro­tec­tions avail­able to oth­er indi­vid­u­als con­vict­ed of cap­i­tal offens­es. In an unsigned May 14, 2020 rul­ing uphold­ing the con­vic­tion and death sen­tence of Sean Bush, the court abro­gat­ed a cen­tu­ry-old legal stan­dard gov­ern­ing cas­es in which a con­vic­tion is based sole­ly on circumstantial…