Entries tagged with “Tyrone Noling


Oct 24, 2013

EDITORIALS: Possible Innocence Case Deserves DNA Testing

A recent edi­to­r­i­al in the Akron Beacon Journal (Ohio) called for DNA test­ing in the death penal­ty case of Tyrone Noling. Noling has been on death row for 17 years. His con­vic­tion was based large­ly on the tes­ti­mo­ny of three friends who have since recant­ed their sto­ries, claim­ing they were coerced by the pros­e­cu­tion. No phys­i­cal evi­dence linked Noling to the crime, and he has passed a poly­graph test. Noling is request­ing the test­ing of additional…


Jan 31, 2012

Possible Innocence Case Highlights Concerns About Ohio’s Death Penalty

Tyrone Noling (pic­tured) is an inmate on Ohios death row whose guilt has been called into doubt by a lack of phys­i­cal evi­dence, recant­i­ng wit­ness­es and refusal by the state to con­duct a DNA test. Andrew Cohen, writ­ing in a recent issue of The Atlantic, com­pared Noling’s case to that of Troy Davis, who was exe­cut­ed in Georgia in 2011, despite doubts about his guilt. Noling was con­vict­ed of the 1990 mur­ders of an elder­ly cou­ple in their home.


Aug 10, 2010

Ohio Governor and Attorney General Urge DNA Testing in Death Row Case

Ohio Governor Ted Strickland and Attorney General Richard Cordray recent­ly urged pros­e­cu­tors in sev­en crim­i­nal cas­es to allow DNA test­ing that could either prove inno­cence or con­firm the defen­dan­t’s guilt. The sev­en cas­es include one man cur­rent­ly on death row, Tyrone Noling, two inmates serv­ing long sen­tences, three men who are no longer in prison but want to clear their names, and a man who died in prison in 2006. Gov. Strickland said, I…