Cynthia Portaro, whose son, Michael (pic­tured), was killed in 2011, stood before a Nevada court­room on February 23 and asked pros­e­cu­tors to stop seek­ing the death penal­ty for the man con­vict­ed of her son’s mur­der. Prosecutors agreed to the request and said they would ask the judge to sen­tence Brandon Hill to life with­out parole. Portaro said, I per­son­al­ly didn’t want to see anoth­er per­son die. I got what I want­ed — an apol­o­gy from Brandon. I felt a sense of relief that there is no hatred, ani­mos­i­ty, anger.” Joseph Abood, Hill’s defense attor­ney, said, I’ve nev­er seen any­thing like it. … I’m just hap­py that the heal­ing for every­body can start today. … He’s matured a lot since this killing, and I’m glad he’s final­ly able to rec­og­nize that he made a grave error and to know that he needs to apol­o­gize.” In the years since her son’s death, Portaro has start­ed a sup­port group to help oth­ers through the loss of loved ones. I just help oth­er fam­i­lies through trau­ma, give them hope, give them tools, guid­ance, com­fort, love, sup­port, know­ing that if they can see me being able to do it, they can do it, too,” Portaro said. It helps me to help others.”

(D. Ferrara, Mother of slain man asks pros­e­cu­tors to drop death penal­ty,” Las Vegas Review-Journal, February 23, 2015; K. Castro, Murder vic­tim’s moth­er spares con­vict­ed killer’s life,” KLAS-TV, February 23, 2015; pho­to: Barry Wong). See Victims and New Voices.

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