About Dpi


The Death Penalty Information Center is the pre­em­i­nent clear­ing­house for resources on cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment and relat­ed issues. With mil­lions of vis­i­tors each year, our web­site is an essen­tial resource for attor­neys, stu­dents, jour­nal­ists and mem­bers of the gen­er­al pub­lic seek­ing infor­ma­tion about the death penal­ty. We are a nation­al­ly respect­ed and wide­ly quot­ed source of death penal­ty analy­sis for the crim­i­nal jus­tice com­mu­ni­ty and the media, putting us in a unique posi­tion to inform and shape the nation­al dis­cus­sion on this crit­i­cal issue. We have pre­pared more than 20 spe­cial reports, some at the request of Congress, on issues includ­ing inno­cence, race, arbi­trari­ness, and costs.

Candid Silver

The Death Penalty Information Center is sup­port­ed entire­ly through grants and dona­tions from gen­er­ous sup­port­ers like you. If you think the American pub­lic and peo­ple around the world could prof­it from being bet­ter informed about how the death penal­ty works in prac­tice, please con­sid­er con­tribut­ing to the Death Penalty Information Center.

DPIC has a SILVER rat­ing from Candid, for­mer­ly, GuideStar and the Foundation Center.

Your tax deductible con­tri­bu­tion allows us to:

  • Monitor and track death-penal­ty devel­op­ments across the United States, includ­ing exon­er­a­tions, new death sen­tences, and executions.
  • Increase our out­reach to the pub­lic through tra­di­tion­al and online media regard­ing impor­tant death penal­ty infor­ma­tion and the issues surrounding it.
  • Expand the infor­ma­tion that we make avail­able through our website.
  • Produce DPIC’s wide­ly acclaimed reports.
  • Develop and pro­mote our edu­ca­tion­al cur­ric­u­la on the death penal­ty for high schools and colleges.

Learn more about DPIC and our staff and Board of Directors

Click on the link to the left if you wish to make a secure dona­tion to DPIC via PayPal.

You can also mail your donations to:
Death Penalty Information Center
1701 K Street NW, Suite 750
Washington, DC 20006

We are a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion based in Washington, DC. Your dona­tions are tax deductible. All con­tri­bu­tions to DPIC will be grate­ful­ly acknowl­edged by a let­ter or e‑mail. Thank you for your sup­port and generosity.