In its annu­al report on human rights around the world, Amnesty International not­ed the abo­li­tion of the death penal­ty in five nations in 2004. Last year, Bhutan, Greece, Samoa, Senegal and Turkey joined a grow­ing list of coun­tries that have aban­doned cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment for all crimes. The report stat­ed that such changes are pos­i­tive signs, not­ing: Global activism is a dynam­ic and grow­ing force. It is also the best hope of achiev­ing free­dom and jus­tice for all human­i­ty.” The report cov­ers 149 coun­tries and high­lights impor­tant human rights devel­op­ments and abuses. 

(Amnesty International Report 2005, May 2005). Read the report. See also, International Death Penalty.

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